Saturday, October 10, 2009

Current update

Sorry for the lack of updates, people. I was stuck with college most of the times, and man.

Don't worry, it IS still going strong, so keep checking on.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here you go.

Sorry for the long downtime, I was stuck in something else, so here you go. Still translating some easy parts. I might as well ask my superiors on the harder parts.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I blame myself for not being able to update this blog with the screenshots. However, Don't worry. Things are actually going fine, except that there are a number of lines that I just can't do without a proper help.

By the way, for those who have downloaded the patch for the English version, be sure to update it with the new V 1.1 patch from main project site below.

Have a good day, people.

Mother 3 Main Translation

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Sorry for the late update but I have a really big news to tell. I just got a word from Tomato and he announced to me and the other translation teams that the main script editor is finally finished.

That's a way to cure my depression, heh.

I'm downloading it at the time of writing, so I'll be back to post more updates.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Nothing much. This is to preview some in-battle texts, but about the script, I need to wait Jeffman to finish with the script editor...

Monday, March 16, 2009


This is second of the most irritating parts on making this translation. Imagine that I had been making all sorts of modifications just to make it fit. That M on the topmost pic doesn't even look like a M.

I had only managed to take four screenshots, but at least it was a good start.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Less Troubles

Since I had finished working on the non script-texts, I was still beta-testing the game, finding any fault when something like the pic up there happened.

To make matters even more confusing and frustrating at the same time, my PC (It's already old, I understand)HDD decided to fail. I had no choice but to reformat and reinstall everything from scratch. Lucky that this baby is saved on another HDD.

Before all that, I contacted Jeffman and he said 'try shortening their names'. Done that, but still...
Tomato then came to the rescue, suggesting 'just blank the Item Guy's name'.

A day after that, Jeffman said this: 'are you trying from the Debug Menu?' Then it hit me. I was using the debug menu all along!

So, using the proper gameplays' ending, it worked fine. Phew.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Added Video

I just added a new video on Youtube about the updates on menu and stuff. Because I used VBA 1.7.3L's internal recorder, the sound would not sync after the first few minutes. VBAM is even useless, it video recorded doesn't sync with the sound at all.

That ranting done, and here's your stuffs, guys.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Non-Script Text is 100% Complete!

3.15 pm.

I finally finished the non-script texts! Yay!

Now, I'll need to wait for other teams for the real translations.

Thank God, I was ready to throw my computer off the window.

Here's a video but remember - most graphical stuff are not being worked on for the moment.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What The Heck Was That?

Since I was using the game's Debug Room code to see around places, I came upon a strange stuffs. Normally, the use of Debug Rooms ignores the game's progress, but Mother 3 is an exception. You can do a lot of strange (and stupid) things with the Debug Room, and the pictures will be followed by comments.

  1. This is actually what happens if you abuse the Pork and Beans glitch too much. However, it can be cured by entering a separate section of the map.
  2. Note Duster's name. It should be Lucas, but the Debug Room had managed to screw up the arrangement of playable characters. It was cured as soon as I enter another chapter.
  3. Again, look at the arrangement of characters. It should be Lucas-Kumatora-Duster-Boney or Lucas-Duster-Kumatora-Boney.
  4. What the... this is one of the most bizarre things I had done in playing around the Debug Room. I remembered that I warped to Club Titiboo in chapter 4 twice, and the second time, the game script were running as if I was playing that chapter originally. But, when the'Bon Voyage, Amigo' cutscene ended, the camera was off screen, and in my party, only Duster and Boney appeared. I get into the club again to activate the debug room, and then warp to chapter 8. If you run, the characters will freeze if you stop running. Ugh.
  5. Now, this is what happened if you activate the Debug Room left to the vending machine, near the New Pork Tower (Was it Empire Pork Building?). You run into the debug room, ran into the wall and voila! You're climbing the walls as if you're a ninja! However, this only apply to the area said above. Other areas doesn't allow you to do that.
Well, more updates later!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Biggest Hurdle Passed!

If you watched the video in Battle and Menu entry, you might noticed the word 'and cohort'. It was annoying as heck and I was unhappy even though I had already translated that line. So, as a last desperation move, I overwritten the lines Tomato said 'don't'. and to my surprise, it worked!

Whee! Now I can make battle videos in an even better quality!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Staying Idle?

Although I started on the project not too long ago, I was surprised when Tomato, the head project of the English Fan Translation for Mother 3, said the non script texts were just 1% percent of the total script. The listing below is the complete list of how many lines I should translate.
  • Main script, ~800 pages
  • Battle text, ~60 pages
  • Character names, 300 lines
  • Playable/assist character names, 16 lines
  • Default names, 69 lines
  • Item names, 256 lines
  • Enemy (+misc) names, 329 lines
  • PSI names, 100 lines
  • Item descriptions, ~11 pages
  • Enemy descriptions, ~25 pages
  • PSI descriptions, ~5 pages
  • Skill descriptions, ~1 page
  • Map names, 1000 lines
  • Menus 1, ~11 pages
  • Menus 2, ~14 pages
  • Menus 3, ~2 pages
  • Sound player track list, 250 lines
  • Misc sound player text, 6 lines
  • Misc text, 50 lines
  • Status text, 52 lines
However, most of them could be skipped, since there are many things that were left intact - same as the English version. Many lines had to be cut because the BM translation turns out too long for them.
  1. The characters names remain as in their English counterparts. However, Favorite Food and Favorite Thing were translated. In food, Omelets had been depicted as like fried rice wrapped in fried eggs (and some chili sauce on top) as here and here. Maybe the rice bit was a little unseen, but we don't have a normal omelet as big as THAT, so I think its Pataya Fried Rice.
  2. Shigesato Itoi loved croquette rolls so much that he actually promoted the shop in the game, like what he did with Katsu in EarthBound/Mother 2. The forum discussing that is located here. Izumi (The forum starter) have even given out a recepie for that rolls. It's a shame however that the limited text disallows me to insert that food.
Well, that's about it for now. See you soon for more updates!

Battle Preview

This is how the game's battles are executed. Also featured is the Menu. This video ended without going to the game map because the game locks up whenever an enemy or two drops and item and it is a really irritating chore.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Still Working On It

Okay, while I was finiding a way on fixing some glitches, I managed to finish off a few works, and at the same time, I found an interesting glitch. Well, it's the Pork Bean glitch, but I can't explain it all over here, so head on over to Earthbound Central, for more info and lots of interesting things there.

So, here's what happened so far:

-Just finished translating the Flavors and Text Speed in Naming Screen, and the Deposit/Withdraw in the ATM screen. They were actually sprite-based, and since sprite-text editing wasn't my thing, it took a while. There are more things to do.

-If you look at the PORK M4A1 picture below, you may notice that there were two PK Kilat Gamma entries there. Fixed.

More updates coming this Monday, I think.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stupid Glitches!

As far as I had already gone, I had finished almost all of the non-script texts. However, there are some new bugs to kill, and probably the most irritating yet.

The black screen in the third pic happens whenever you buy an equippable item, while the first and second is on some edible items.

Technically speaking, this happens whenever you didn't follow the specified codes, and it sucks.

Hope this bug could be killed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nothing much.

If you're asking why is the flag is posted here, it's best that you don't ask why.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Working and stuff

The translation had gone quite well, for non-script texts so far. I had managed to kill a number of bugs, but still, I wasn't satisfied with the quality of the translation just yet. Here's a number of pictures. Beware: SPOILERS!

The picture up in the top is just me playing around with the codes. You'll not see them in the final patch though. It's pretty stupid. The memo menu often crashes the game if the syntaxes is not typed properly, and I fixed them up.

English patch player of the game may know that track #238 is named A Certain Someone's Memories, but in my version, I just skip it to the original name, Polyanna.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Working!

After a few troubleshooting for the past few days, I finally got everything to work.

However, there are a number of bugs that I'm going to fix, and some of it were shown above. They were apparently the case where "Do not write over the limit" kind of things, and they could be fixed, with no problem on my behalf.
Since they can be fixed, I'll get other texts translated.

Friday, January 23, 2009

One Step Towards Global Release!

Ah, how time flies. I had started the translation project nearly a week ago, and boy... the few days were such a pain in the butt. It's a programmer's nightmare is anything he's doing doesn't work.

But thanks to some old files, and some dictionaries of course, I managed to translate all the items in Bahasa Melayu. Look at the pics! It's all in sexy BM, and there's no turning back now!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome to the world of MOTHER 3

Ah, another Mother 3 unofficial fan translation. You had seen the English translation and other patches. What am I going to do now is to translate the English patch into Bahasa Melayu!

Nobody had done this before, right? So I'll do something out of the ordinary here.

By the time I typed for this blog, I had already started on translating the game. See you guys later for more updates!